Leadership involves the guidance of the conduct of others and leaders need to be more effective than others in conveying meanings and intentions, and in receiving them. Sure, some people exude confidence and charisma along with the gift of the gab, but they got there through understanding the intricacies of leadership. Leadership is not something that we are born with. It underlies everything that we strive to accomplish, from motivating employees to excel beyond their self imposed limits, to inspiring shareholders who seek confirmation of their confidence in skills of your company and its management. Successful leadership is making the difference between extreme success and unnecessary failure.
Leadership and learning are interlinked – you can’t have one without the other. The fact is that leadership is the single most sought after trait in the business world today. Leadership is a word we hear often, but we don’t really stop to think about what it is and why it is so important. Leadership, communication and innovation are intrinsically linked in successful companies.