Production and sales growth is accelerating. However, the delivery of Aventra program has been more complex than anticipated. The Bombardier Transportation integration continues to progress. While demand remains sustained, despite some volatility, our commercial performance has been soft. “The negative free cash flow of Alstom during this first half is a clear call for change. Adjusted net profit 1 was €174 million and free cash flow was €(1,119) million for the half-year. Gross margin % on backlog 1 reached 17.2% as of 30 September 2023, compared to 16.9% on 31 March 2023.Īlstom’s adjusted EBIT 1 was €438 million, equivalent to a 5.2% aEBIT margin. The backlog reached €90.1 billion, providing strong visibility on future sales. The Group sales reached €8.4 billion, resulting in a book-to-bill ratio at 1.0. €2 billion balance sheet reinforcement planġ5 November 2023 – In the first half 2023/24 (from 1 April to 30 September 2023), Alstom booked €8.4 billion of orders.Commercial and operational efficiency, costs saving plan.Free Cash Flow within the range €(500)m - €(750)m.H1 2023/24 key figures in line with 4 th October preliminary release.Confirming sound market positioning, Alstom takes significant steps to reduce its leverage after negative cash flow.